To avoid spending too much time trying to conceive naturally on her own, Q and her husband sought the assistance of Fertility Specialists to help them have a baby after several months of trying. With no known infertility issues, Q was unaware of the emotional and physical journey that she was about to encounter in trying to conceive her baby.
Several failed IVF attempts, a fertility clinic error, relocation to another state, and frustration, Q finally had a successful transfer after a simple change to her treatments. Fortunately, once pregnant, things went relatively smooth, as pregnancy was the calm before the storm of having a newborn for the first time mom in her 40’s.
Being as candid as ever, Q talks about the things that no one tells you about having a baby and newborn. Initially struggling to find a balance and her sanity, Q took matters into her own hands and made decisions that were in the best interest of herself, baby and husband.
To hear more, tune in to this episode for Q’s full 2-part Pregnancy after 40 Journey and Story.
Women's First presents the... "FERTILITY & PREGNANCY EXPO" on April 30, 2022! Pre-register today at to receive additional information, including news, speakers, sessions, and tickets directly to your inbox!
For additional Pregnancy After 40 resources, visit and/or join our “Pregnancy After Forty Private Group” on Facebook
Also, if you’re trying to conceive (TTC), check out our “50 Fertility Tips for Women over 40” by visiting
Disclaimer: The content in this podcast episode article is merely the host’s and guest’s experience, opinion and information - not advice. If you have questions, you should always seek the advice of a doctor or another appropriate medical professional.